Providing Adequate Heating and Ventilation to Your Rental Property

14 June 2018

Heating and ventilation systems in a rental property can help tenants ward off respiratory illnesses and other serious diseases while providing a warm and welcoming indoor environment. According to the New Zealand Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO), indoor house temperatures should remain within a range of 18–20 degrees during the day. A lower temperature of 16 degrees at night is recommended for the bedroom area.

When offering a rental property to tenants, remember that you are obligated to provide heating and ventilation systems. In addition to creating a comfortable home and encouraging tenants to stay longer, these systems also prevent moisture build-up that can promote the growth of mould behind walls, ceilings and flooring. Significant mould growth can lead to serious remediation and repair costs for your rental property.

Heating and Ventilation Options

There are several ways to heat and ventilate your rental home. Fireplaces, flued gas heaters, wood pellet stoves, plug-in heaters and certain heat pumps are good options for a tenant’s heating needs. Window stays, extractor fans and mechanical ventilation systems can circulate fresh outdoor air into the rental property. Maintenance is essential to ensure the safe, efficient operation of fireplaces and mechanical systems.

While the Housing Improvement Regulations of 1947 requires landlords to heat living areas, the law doesn’t require heating in every room. However, we recommend that you install enough outlets so that tenants can use plug-in heaters for cooler rooms.

Tenants, especially children and older adults, can experience a range of health issues when living in cold and damp rental properties. Bring in more warmth and fresh air by installing ventilation and heating systems. Your tenants will enjoy a rental home that meets their needs, and you will enjoy easy property maintenance without the stress of musty air, dampness or mould growth that could damage the home.

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