Happy Tenants, Happy Landlords: Your Guide to Tenant Retention in Auckland

11 July 2024

In the competitive Auckland rental market, keeping good tenants is just as important as finding them.  A high tenant turnover rate can be expensive for landlords. It can lead to lost rental income, advertising expenses, and the hassle of finding and screening new tenants.  That’s why tenant retention should be a top priority for every […]

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Budgeting and Financial Planning for Property Management

13 May 2024

There is more to property management than merely finding tenants.  Careful preparation and great money management are essential to guaranteeing your rentals run well and bring in a steady income. Creating a comprehensive budget A thorough budget is crucial your financial strategy. This is how to make one: Income: Begin by enumerating every source of […]

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Maximising rental income and reducing expenses

14 April 2024

A guide for property investors Getting a consistent and healthy return on your investment is crucial if you’re a property investor. It comes down to two main things: making the most of your rental income and controlling your spending. At Sole Agents, we recognise how critical it is to maximise the rental income from your […]

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Essential components of a tenancy agreement in New Zealand 2024

13 March 2024

In New Zealand, renting a property is a common practice, and to ensure a smooth and fair tenancy arrangement, a tenancy agreement is crucial. Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, understanding what should be included in a tenancy agreement is essential. In this blog post, we’ll outline the key components that a tenancy agreement […]

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Ensuring Tenancy Contract Compliance: Addressing Breaches and Consequences

11 February 2024

Breaches of a tenancy agreement can occur due to various factors stemming from both tenants’ and landlords’ actions or circumstances. For tenants, breaches may occur due to financial difficulties, lack of awareness or understanding of the terms of the agreement, or negligence in fulfilling their responsibilities. Breaches of a tenancy agreement in New Zealand can […]

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